21st ALLEN REPORT full of stats & surprises!
21st annual ALLEN REPORT full of timely ‘stats’ & surprises!
This ‘Who’s Who Among LLCommunity Portfolio Owners/operators in North America!’ will be distributed free, as a lagniappe, in January 2010 issue of newly reformatted Allen Letter Professional Journal; or available for purchase, for $250.00 via community-investor.com, & by phoning the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877)MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 or (317) 346-7156
We’ve all heard it said: “Today, just about every landlease (nee manufactured home) community owner/operator sells, and often self – finances, new and resale homes onto vacant rental homesites to ‘get the (site) rent meter running’! But just how many homes have been sold into these unique income – producing properties to date, and what’s the approximate value of this eclectic mix of new and resale, manufactured and mobile, homes? One billion, two billion, three billion, or more, dollars? Read the 21st ALLEN REPORT (a.k.a. ‘AR’) to find out!
As a manufactured housing or landlease community (‘LLCommunity’) aficionado, are you familiar with, and conversant about, the year old phenom (i.e. ‘BDMs’!); and the emerging trends: Community Series Homes supplanting Developer Series Homes, a new Small Community Owners Forum, increasing role of the industry’s Think Tank, and how Super Symposiums/Showcases of HUD Code Homes (in IL, OH, GA, NY & elsewhere) are replacing larger, more expensive venues like the Midwest Manufactured Housing Show in Louisville, KY? All this is covered in the 21st AR, January 2010!
Were you one of 100+/- LLCommunity owners/operators in attendance at the first National State of the Asset Class (‘NSAC’) caucus in Tampa, FL., on 2/27/08; or, the Historic SUMMIT Meeting between HUD Code manufacturers & LLCommunity ‘players’ on 2/27/09 in Elkhart, IN? If so, you’ll want to read the ‘NSAC update’ in the AR, to decide whether present business conditions, and the future of your investment in this industry and asset class, warrants another critical examination of where we are today, and what we must do soon, to move home shipments off present 50,000+/- nadir (Go ahead, look it up!), ensuring continued supply of new homes for our properties in the foreseeable future! Hint: Only one firm uses network TV to promote its’ brand of homes!
Stats! 125 respondents, out of 500+/- this year! These owners/operators own and or manage 3,160 LLCommunities containing 738,833 rental homesites. The real surprise is how many of these properties and sites are controlled by the ten largest ‘players’ in the asset class. Wanna guess where national average physical occupancy and operating expense ratio (‘OER’) percentages wound up by end of 2009? Hint: ‘Down & Up!’ Believe it or not, three times more new LLCommunities ‘under construction’, but fewer property expansions during 2009 than 2008 – with an unexpected twist in the first instance. And even more numbers with which to compare one’s property portfolio. And don’t forget, all 125 AR respondents are described in terms of home office location, number of properties & rental homesites owned/fee managed, & their geographic spread!
Think you really know and understand the difference between ‘Buy Here – Pay Here’ and ‘Captive Finance’, when it comes to on – site, self – finance of new and resale homes? First comprehensive definitions and descriptions of these financial processes here in AR!
And, if you’ve been following the almost ever changing makeup of our asset class Pride of Young Lions (i.e. ‘High performing acquirers of LLCommunities’), and present status of the Daring Dozen, first identified in January 2005 AR, you’ll not want to miss this thorough update regarding all original ‘players’. And finally; anyone want to guess whether the total portfolio count of rental homesites, controlled by real estate investment trusts (‘REIT’s), grew or contracted during 2009? No hints here.
Bottom line? Where the 20th anniversary edition of the ALLEN REPORT was a two decade landmark look back and forward, at our unique real estate asset class, the new 21st edition not only covers similar, familiar territory, but provides – by far – the most comprehensive look at the generalities and specifics of the property type, so familiar to many of us, as owners/operators, but near wholly unfamiliar to the majority of commercial realty investors and lenders, the realty trade press, even professional property managers!
Reserve your copy today, by subscribing to the new Allen Letter Professional Journal!
You’ll not want to miss next Monday’s Blog at community-investor.com Why?
Unless something cataclysmic occurs within the MHIndustry & LLCommunity asset class, it’s nigh time for Chapter # 3 of the unfolding saga ‘Your business future and mine’, first premised in ‘The Near Perfect Storm Manifesto’, followed by (chapter # 2), a Blog at this website titled, ‘Let’s Make History Together!’ Check it out in the archives.
Hint: The working title, today, is ‘No More Softballs!
There’re investigative journalism and op/ed initiatives afoot – well beyond the author of this Blog, preparing to challenge the lackluster and questionable reporting of MHIndustry & LLCommunity news and views. Think about it next time you pick up any of the remaining trade pubs, and peruse online ezines. Ask two questions: ‘Aside from this media, have I met, seen or heard these individuals at work in their claimed specialty?’ And, ‘How many of these folk are presently active on state and national scenes, as dues – paying, meeting attending members, of state MHAssociations, MHI or NCC, the ULI & its’MHCC – all attempting to ‘Salvage and Save Our Industry’?’ If answer to either or both questions is ‘No’, why are you…
FYI. Join your peers at the GMHA’s Super Symposium II/ Showcase of New HUD Code Homes in Forsyth, GA., from 15 – 17 December – YES, this week! Homes from a half dozen manufacturers will be on display, along with seminar presenters telling the hard truths about impending state implementation of the federally mandated S.A.F.E. Act for Mortgage Licensing (Read last week’s Blog for an ‘eyeful’ of what this is all about & how it’ll change the way you’re presently doing business!); ‘How to Know if Your LLCommunity is Truly Ready to Successfully Market, Sell & Self – finance New & Resale Homes On – site!’; and much much more! How can you afford not to be present or represented? Phone Jamie Hammons of GMHA as soon as you read this Blog! (770) 980-6393.
George Allen, Realtor®, CPM®, MHM®
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry &
The Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class
Box # 47024
Indianapolis, IN. 46147