24th Roundtable, 17th Lender Registry & two MHM classes!
COBA7® via community-investor.com Blog # 339 Copyright @ 8 March 2015
Perspective. ‘Land-lease-lifestyle Communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities and ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’
This blog posting is a national advocacy voice, official ombudsman (press), research reporter, & online communication media, for all LLLCommunities in North America!
To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance®, a.k.a. COBA7®, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764
COBA7® Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U!’, and Goal of its’ three print & online publications is, ‘Not only to share information & opinion, but to transform & improve!’
Introduction to this week’s COBA7® blog posting at community-investor.com website:
Mark your personal and corporate planning calendars to be present at the 24th International Networking Roundtable, 9-11 September 2015, at the Hilton Resort on Mission Bay in San Diego, CA. Last year’s event was extra special by dint of the two Public Forums about our industry and asset class, plus the presence of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac executives. Well guess what? This year will likely feature ‘more of the same’ as the GSEs return, plus at least a half dozen HUD-Code home manufacturers bent on convincing LLLCommunity owners/operators to buy more new homes from them! And much much more…
Many of you – blog floggers (readers) – have already told us the 26th annual ALLEN REPORT was nothing short of a ‘home run’ document, when it came to identifying key LLLCommunity portfolio ‘players’, describing the history of COBA7®, and providing salient and helpful benchmark statistics. Well guess what? The 17th annual National Registry of ALL Lenders (real estate-secured & chattel capital alike) raises the Signature Series Resource Document performance bar even higher! It identifies more bona fide lenders, specializing in LLLCommunities and manufactured housing, than any other similar document researched and published during the past 50 years of MHIndustry history!
Get certified as a Manufactured Housing Manager®, or MHM® in short. Two classes already scheduled between now and June 2015.
1st Look at 24th exciting Networking Roundtable
Theme: ‘Manufacturers & Communities Working Together Building, Selling & Financing, & Renting More New HUD-Code Manufactured Homes!’
Where will YOU be on 9-11 September 2015? If a HUD-Code home manufacturer or land-lease-lifestyle community owner/operator, definitely at the 24th annual International Networking Roundtable in San Diego, CA.!
The agenda is nearly complete, the three dozen (up from two dozen last year) presenters scheduled, and hotel under contract for what promises to be the most pivotal national manufactured housing industry event during year 2015! How so? Read on…
As faithful blog floggers (readers) and Allen Letter professional journal subscribers will recall, last year’s roundtable was public forum where 200 attendees previewed a WHITE PAPER before arriving, then engaged in two hour long discussions regarding the past, present, and future of manufactured housing and the LLLCommunity asset class. It was also when, for the first time in memory, two GSEs (Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac) engaged in public discourse with their clients: YOU & ME. (They’ve been invited back, along with representatives from the Federal Housing Finance Agency, to continue this pithy and timely conversation). Bottom line? Although the two national (MH) advocacy bodies did not live up to expectations, and continue the Public Forums this Spring, their acquiescent attitude has been widely viewed as the needed mandate for Community Owners (7 part) Business Alliance®, or COBA7®, to ‘pick up their dropped leadership mantle, and lead the industry and asset class forward thru year 2015 and beyond…
Hence, this year’s 24th Networking Roundtable theme is ‘Manufacturers & Communities Working Together to Build, Sell & Finance, and Rent, More New Manufactured Homes!’
And we now have a statistical base upon which to now build. We know at year end 2013, that 30 percent of all new HUD-Code homes shipped, went directly into LLLCommunities nationwide. And while we won’t know until June/July what that percentage increased to during 2014, we’ll know by 9-11 September, and build on that momentum for the remainder of 2015, going into year 2016!
So, how will this theme manifest itself during the 24th annual Networking Roundtable? Starting with three keynote presentations, the morning of 10 September:
• The CEOs of nearly a dozen HUD-Code home manufacturers have been invited to address this august body of 200+ LLLCommunity owners/operators in this fashion:
WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS & HERE’S WHAT WE’RE DOING TO EARN IT! (Subtopics: Community Series Homes; availability or not, of a corporate finance program; nature of sales training & related support matters; stance on Frost Free Foundations® as approved installation methodology; and, ‘How to know what homes will sell?’ & ‘How much $ can local housing market folk afford?’
Already, four days after the invitation, four manufacturer CEOs and senior executives have signed-on to participate in this keynote presentation!
• It’s anticipated it’ll take two full hours for the selected half dozen executives (not salespersons), to make short succinct presentations, then engage in Open Discussion with the audience.
• The third keynote hour will be the purview of Dr. David Funk, head of the graduate real estate department at Cornell University. His address? ‘Housing Economics & Manufactured Housing’s Strategic Niche!’ If you’ve not heard David’s insightful observations relative to MH & communities, be there!
All this just ‘scratches the surface’ of what’ll be covered during the 2 ½ days we’re together at the Hilton Resort on Mission Bay in San Diego, CA. Next week and thereafter, I’ll tell you more….
In the meantime, to ensure YOU receive an ‘invite’ to this year’s 24th annual International Networking Roundtable for LLLCommunity Owners/operators, phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.
17th National Registry of ALL Lenders!
The research is finally finished on this salient document. It’s being printed as I tap out these words, and will be mailed later this week, to COBA7® Option II & III affiliates, as one of three lagniappes enclosed with the March 2015 issue of the Allen Letter professional journal! Frankly, while we already know it’s the second most popular Signature Series Resource Document or SSRD we print and distribute monthly – behind the 26th annual ALLEN REPORT, I’m downright excited about the content ‘this time around’. Why?
In years past, the most real estate-secured mortgage originators (brokers & or lenders) identified, has been 18. This 17th National Registry contains no fewer than 25! And chattel capital sources & servicers? Rishel Consulting, once again, has come thru with the most comprehensive list of names and contacts, available anywhere, to this end! The ‘icing on the cake’? Just enough information about lease-option methodology to entice one to visit one or two Spencer Roane, MHM® websites, to learn if this might not be the ‘secret ingredient’ for handling new home transactions in the present and near future. And finally; nowhere else in the entire manufactured housing industry, and or throughout the LLLCommunity asset class, will you find a more comprehensive overview of the real estate lending environment during 2014 and looking forward throughout 2016, than you’ll find in this valuable document. It is chockfull of all the $ info you’ll need, relative to the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class.
If you’re not already an Option II or III affiliate of COBA7®, but would like to become one NOW, to obtain all three SSRDs published to date (26th ALLEN REPORT, ‘State of the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity Asset Class!’ outline; and, ‘17th annual National Registry of ALL Lenders’), phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764, or print off the COBA7® brochure attached to the BEBA (Blast Email Blog Alert) announcing this week’s blog posting # 339. And know that next month, April 2015, the SSRD will be the popular ‘Who Ya Gonna Call in 2015?!’ list of freelance consultants serving all segments of the HUD-Code manufactured housing industry.
Manufactured Housing Manager®, MHM®
If you consider yourself to be a professional property manager of land-lease-lifestyle communities (a.k.a. manufactured home communities) and want to become certified as such, you’ll be at one of two Manufactured Housing Manager®, or MHM® one day classes, on 31 March in Dixon, IL., or 20 May in East Peoria, IL. That’s right, 15 new MHM®s were designated during the annual MHShow in Louisville, KY., in January – now we’re providing similar ‘training & certification’ opportunities on the aforementioned dates at the named locations.
FYI. The one day class tuition is $250.00 per person. This pays for the day long training session, a copy of the classic Landlease Community Management, a monograph of contemporary MHIndustry ‘readings’, and gold MHM® pin, as well as MHM® certificate. There is no test involved. And to date, there’re nearly 1,000 MHM® owning/operating LLLCommunities, coast to coast and throughout Canada.
The MHM® class is the only such professional property management training and certification program, focused on the LLLCommunity asset class, taught by a veteran community owner, Certified Property Manager®, and Manufactured Housing Manager®.
For more information, and to register for either MHM® session, phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.
And to corporate CEOs and state MHAssociation executives reading this blog posting, know you can host an MHM® session for your property managers, or members, and receive a $50.00 rebate per person, when classes contain at least ten MHM® candidates, but not more than 25.