26 Lenders & Loan Brokers; MHAlive!, & TRUMP
Blog # 389 Copyright 2016 COBA7® 13 March 2016; community-investor.com
Perspective: ‘Land-lease-lifestyle Communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities and ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’
This blog posting is the national advocacy voice, official ombudsman (press), research reporter, & online communication media for all LLLCommunities in North America!
To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance®, a.k.a. COBA7®, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764
COBA7® Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U! & Goal of its’ print/online media = to ‘Not only inform & Opine, but transform & improve MHBusiness Model Performance!’
No blog posting next weekend!
I. Second Most Popular SSRD described, along with others. All of which YOU, if owning one or more LLLCommunities, should be reading & using each month.
II,. No fewer than six timely and strategic venues YOU should consider attending as we move further into year 2016. Have I missed any events? If so, let me know!
III. What makes Donald Trump tick on the presidential campaign trail? Here it is!
No blog posting next weekend!
18th National Registry of ALL Lenders…
Serving the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity Realty Asset Class
In January, it was the 27th annual ALLEN REPORT, a.k.a. ‘Who’s Who Among Land-lease-lifestyle Community Owners/operators Located Throughout North America!’ the first of a dozen Signature Series Resource Documents (‘SSRD’) researched & distributed by the Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance® each month of the year.
In February, it was the ‘Official State of the Manufactured Housing Industry & LLLCommunity Asset Class’ outline SSRD, routinely used by corporate executives, the trade press, and state MHAssociation executives to keep stakeholders, employees, readers, and members informed about ‘what’s really happening’ – and ‘not happening’, throughout the industry and among the unique, income-producing properties throughout the U.S. and Canada.
In March, it’s the ‘18th National Registry of ALL Lenders’ SSRD. Because the new edition is released every March, it’s not a surprise how many requests are made for it before being released as a lagniappe in that month’s issue of the Allen Letter professional journal – the circulation vehicle of choice for ALL 12 SSRDs created by COBA7®. In any event, this year’s 18th edition boasts no fewer than 26 lenders and loan brokers specializing in acquisition funding and refinancing of land-lease-lifestyle communities, form coast-to-coast throughout the U.S. And not only that, there’re dozens of sources for chattel capital, when financing new and resale home transactions on-site in LLLCommunities. This latter feature is prepared annually, for inclusion in the National Registry, by Rishel Consulting, headquartered in Springfield, IL. And capping off the report is the latest technical information available relative to lease-option methodology in the LLLCommunity environment. Tying all this salient information together is a fairly in depth summary of where commercial lending ‘has been’ during the previous 12 months, and where to expect it to head during the months ahead.
How does one obtain a copy of the ‘18th annual National Registry of ALL Lenders’? Simply affiliate, at the Option II ($544.95/year) with COBA7®! To do so, gives one access to 12 monthly issues of the aforementioned Allen Letter professional journal, and at least a dozen SSRDs, certainly the three just described – as well as the ‘Who Ya Gonna Call in 2016?’ directory of at least 40 freelance consultants who serve the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class nationwide. And the SSRD after that is the sole directory of MHIndustry & LLLCommunity trade print and online media, as well as an overview of all networking websites! To get on board, simply phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.
And in May, it’ll be the 17th annual ‘Who Ya Gonna Call in 2016?’ SSRD – COBA7®s much-requested directory of 50+/- freelance consultants serving the MHIndustry & LLLCommunities nationwide. Should YOU be listed therein? If so, leave a voice mail message via (317) 346-7156. And if you affiliate with COBA7® by then, you’ll automatically receive this valuable SSRD as well.
By now it should be apparent: if you own one or more LLLCommunities, and are active in any segment of the manufactured housing industry, affiliation with COBA7® is all but a ‘must’ for YOU – to be informed via the Allen Letter each month, along with the dozen or more SSRDs that accompany Option II & III affiliation. Option III? That’s $944.95/year. For what? The aforementioned newsletter, dozen SSRDs, and the Allen CONFIDENTIAL! business newsletter…the ‘MH news before it happens & that you won’t read elsewhere’!
Six Special Places to Be During 2016!
This is the time of year when responsible, forward looking corporate executives and budding – experienced entrepreneurs plan which educational, networking, and deal-making events to patronize during the months ahead – till year’s end. This is not an easy task, given the sheer number of regional and national events now filling manufactured housing and land-lease-lifestyle community calendars. Following are the five major events I plan to patronize and or host during the year ahead:
• Manufactured Housing Congress. 3-5 May 2016 at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas. Tuesday features an annual golf tournament and LLLCommunity forum – with a separate registration fee. Trade Show Exhibits & Seminars – with separate registration fee, occur on Wednesday & Thursday. Read the March 2016 issue of The Journal for details. If you’re selling new HUD-Code homes within one or more LLLCommunities, don’t miss the ‘Six Right Ps of Marketing!’ Wednesday afternoon, 2 – 3:30PM. This is a timely prelude to the ‘Two Days of Plant Tours & Home Sales Seminars’ at the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN., on 25 & 26 May 2016. In any event, attendees at this Wednesday afternoon will receive a very special, never before distributed, durable training aid containing the ‘Six Right Ps of Marketing’! To register, phone (703) 558-0400.
• Manufactured Housing Manager® class, on 17 May in Oak Brook, Illinois. What’s so special about this particular one day class? Unlike another property management training & certification program, that’s apparently ‘going online’, this one continues to be taught in a classroom setting by individuals actively owning/operating one or more LLLCommunities, and who’re already MHM®s! Cost is only $250.00/person. There’s no test involved. And when you leave the class with a copy of the classic text, Landlease Community Management, in hand, you join more than 1,000 other MHM®s presently owing/managing this unique, income-producing property type. To register, phone (312) 528-3423.
• Two Days of Plant Tours & Home Sales Seminars. 25 & 26 May 2016, at the RV/MH Heritage Foundation’s Hall of Fame, Museum & Library facility in Elkhart, IN. This is an inaugural event for the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity realty asset class! Designed and intended to motivate small to mid-sized LLLCommunities to begin and increase, if they haven’t already, the number of new HUD-Code homes they sell, and if need be seller-finance, on-site to fill vacant rental homesites. Registrants indicate beforehand, which of six plant(s) they want to visit during the two day event. And during that same period of time, successful, experienced LLLCommunity owners, will teach four sequential seminars on these four major topics: Getting Ready!, Buying Homes! Selling Homes! Financing Homes! If planned properly, every attendee should be able to visit at least one plant and avail themselves of each of the four seminars, plus consult with other chattel capital professionals and sources who will be present. To secure in ‘invite’, simply phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764, or respond by email to this blog posting.
• Have you ever participated in a Think Tank Experience? Probably not, but this is an opportunity to do so! On 1 August 2016, the day of the annual RV/MH Hall of Fame Induction Banquet; again, hosted at the Hall of Fame, Museum & Library facility in Elkhart, IN., the first ever ‘MHAlive!’ event will take place between 10AM & 2PM. Co-moderators: George Allen, CPM®Emeitus, MHM®Master; and someone yet to be named. At this point there’s no admission charge anticipated – unless a meeting room other than the library has to be rented. In any event, the agenda for the day is simple: Two hours in the morning will focus on the manufactured housing industry – where it is today – why we’ve endured a 15 year (2000-2015) paradigm shift; and, what might be done to rejuvenate new home shipments to pre-2000 levels. Following a networking lunch, likely off-site, the afternoon session will focus on the LLLCommunity asset class and issues (e.g. effects of property consolidation, defining a ‘fair housing $ proposition’ for homeowners/site lessees, and more). Trade journalists will be present, to popularize the event proceedings, enhancing probability of implementation… Attendance at that evening’s Hall of Fame banquet is not part of the Think Tank Experience, cut attendees are encouraged to be part of the anticipated 500 guest audience. For more information, use aforementioned Official MHIndustry HOTLINE or email. Seriously. This is your opportunity to be heard and to help!
• Celebrate ’25 ,35, & 50’ years! Three anniversaries in one event! The 25th anniversary International Networking Roundtable is scheduled for 7-9September 2016. And, it just so happens, this year also marks the 35th anniversary of the founding of GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing – platform for COBA7®. And there’s a 50th anniversary included in the mix. In any event, this year’s networking roundtable is special for a plethora of good reasons, not the least being a bona fide ‘State of the Manufactured Housing Industry & LLLCommunity Asset Class!’ Plus, some well-received presenters, from years past, have been invited back to challenge roundtable registrants as we move on into the future of our industry. Also, the ever popular Lenders’ Panel, and now – for the third year in a row, the GSE Hour! And much much more. For a Networking Roundtable brochure, phone (317) 346-7156 or write gfa7156@aol.com
• 6th annual SECO Summit in the South, in Atlanta, GA. (Date pending). Haven’t been before? Make it a point to do so this year! Why? Here’re some very good reasons. There’ll be nearly 200 LLLCommunity owners present from at least 20 states; between three and five new HUD-Code Community Series Homes on display outdoors; two dozen product/service vendors displaying their wares & systems; as well as several specialty skill workshops and educational seminars from which to choose. The SECO event will occur during late October or early November. For more information, contact Genevieve Ketelle via Genevieve@roane.com to have your name placed on the preferred ‘invite’ list!
March 7th issue of ADVERTISING AGE magazine, on page # 13, posited Donald Trumps success, to date, during the presidential race, as being attributed to these five actions:
1. Keep messages simple
2. Leverage live events
3. React in real time on social media (but spell-check)
4. Be bold & less apologetic
5. Don’t underestimate the power of earned media
Pretty nifty huh? Don’t think the American electorate has ever experienced election campaigns so flush with plots, plans, strategies, and more.