Blog # 427 Copyright 2017 COBA7 @ 1 January 2017;
Perspective: ‘Land-lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, & ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’
This blog posting is the sole national advocate voice, official ombudsman & historian, research report & online communication media for North American LLCommunities!
To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764
COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE serve U! Goal of its’ print/online media = to ‘Not only inform & opine, but to transform & improve MHBusiness model performance!’
INTRODUCTION: Start 2017 off right! How?
1. With your copy of 28th annual ALLEN REPORT in hand;
2. Five pithy NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS in mind for corporate implementation;
3. All three national advocates (i.e. MHARR, MHI, & COBA7) admonished to ‘double down’ on lobbying & regulatory reform in behalf of the manufactured housing industry and land-lease communities, large & small, nationwide!
28th annual ALLEN REPORT
‘Who’s Who Among LLCommunity Portfolio Owners/operators Throughout North America!’
Do you know? COBA7 prints more than 1,000 copies of the seminal ALLEN REPORT each year for three reasons:
• It’s, by far, the most comprehensive, fact-filled retrospective, statistical compendium, and trend tracker published annually, describing what goes on among 50,000+/- land-lease communities, and 500+/- portfolio owners/operators nationwide and throughout Canada! Therefore, it is always in high demand.
• To satisfy the need, by Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance affiliates (Option II & III levels), for this first of a dozen+ updated Signature Series Resource Documents (‘SSRDs’) they’ll receive monthly throughout the year.
• Pristine copies of the ALLEN REPORT are routinely ordered by university & business libraries throughout North America, in addition to the RV/M Hall of Fame library in Elkhart, IN., Library of Congress & National Building Museum libraries in Washington, DC., to name a few repositories of research source data.
What’s contained in the 28th annual ALLEN REPORT? Here’re just ten highlights:
• Year 2016 historical MH retrospective available nowhere else at any price!
• Contemporary statistical primer for land-lease communities in North America.
• Identification of the Top Ten property portfolios in the U.S. & Canada
• State presence, occupancy rates & OERs among 122 LLCommunity portfolios
• This year’s ‘Pride of Young Lions’ identified. Be prepared to be surprised!
• Two DATACOMP references: market rent surveys & # LLCommunities per state
• Exclusive ’40 Year History of HUD & MHIndustry Partnership’. Nowhere else!
• REIT History (1994 – 2016) in terms of total rental homesite count, year by year
• 122 land-lease community portfolio firms ranked per total rental homesite counts
• Major $ Sponsors of 25th anniversary Networking Roundtable, September 2016.
To order your copy of the 28th ALLEN REPORT, simply phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. Price? COBA7 Option II @ $544.95/year.
These New Year (2017) Resolutions were featured in the January 2017 issue of the Allen CONFIDENTIAL! business newsletter:
• Support the new President of the United States of America!
• HUD-Code housing manufacturers to redouble efforts marketing and selling new homes into land-lease communities, large and small, coast-to-coast! (This is the sole focus of a 9AM-Noon $95. seminar, for HUD-Code home manufacturers, on 17 January at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Louisville, KY…the day before the Louisville MHShow begins. For information & to register: (317) 346-7156.
• Land-lease community owners/operators to NOT heed the siren call to ‘double one’s rental homesite rates’ during 2017! But rather, assure fair & affordable housing propositions to homebuyer/site lessees, keeping combined monthly PITI mortgage & site rent payments total, at or below the National Average Affordable Housing Market Rent of $849.00/unit – including household expenses (i.e. utilities) where possible. This will not work in some high-priced local housing markets. For more info on this pithy topic, phone (317) 346-7156 & request a FREE copy of the ‘Tipping Point’ WHITE PAPER Expose’. It tells all!
• Emphasize importance of – and provide for, opportunities to receive professional property management (‘PM’) training and certification among all land-lease community managers and owners! Everyone to be a Certified Property Manager (‘CPM’), Accredited Community Manager (‘ACM’), or Manufactured Housing Manager. An MHM training & certification opportunity occurs at Crowne Plaza Hotel, on 17 January, in Louisville, KY. Cost? $250.00/MHM candidate. No tests. And again, on 11 April in Albany, NY. Interested? Phone (317) 346-7156 ASAP.
• Support one or more national advocacy entities, e.g. MHARR, MHI, & COBA7, that best represents ones’ business interests as housing manufacturer, land-lease community owner/operator, or other post-production segment of the industry. For MHARR, phone (202) 783-4087; for MHI, phone (703)558-0400; and for COBA7, (317) 346-7156. Decide WHO will lobby for YOU during 2017!
Yes, year 2017 will have its’ array of challenges and opportunities, not to mention threats and rough patches; but let’s pull together on all five of these New Year Resolutions, enabling our industry and realty asset class to return to financial prosperity and improved public image – as this nation’s primary provider of truly affordable housing & lifestyle!
‘What the Manufactured Housing Institute (‘MHI’) must do if it’s truly
per the bold and sweeping website ( claim.’
(If you haven’t read last week’s blog posting #426, on this highly controversial topic, stop here & do so, by scrolling back through the blog archive at
For starters, reach out and bring the Building Systems Council (‘BSC’) of the National Association of Homebuilders (‘NAHB’) into MHI’s Factory-built Housing fold. Reach them in Washington, DC., via Why? Because that’s where panelizers (50% national factory-built housing market share) and production site builders (39% market share) presently call home! Once that’s accomplished, contact…
Modular Homebuilder’s Association (‘MHBA’) located in Charlottesville, VA. ( and invite their residential factory-built housing manufacturers to ‘come on board’ the MHI train.
And finally, to be truly inclusive, solicit the cooperation of the Modular Building Institute, also (same address) in Charlottesville, VA. This entity is an associate member of aforementioned BSC/NAHB, and counts as members, “…companies in manufacturing and distribution of non-residential commercial, factory-built structures”…with a few members also fabricating residential structures, e.g. Clayton Homes.
Plus, there are other trade groups ‘out there’ who claim the same new national advocacy territory as MHI, e.g. the National Association of Factory-built Home Builders. Interestingly, in addition to the four types of factory-built housing already identified (i.e. panelizers (50% market share), production site builders (39%), manufactured housing (5%) & modular housing (5%), the NAFHB adds pre-cut homes (e.g. kit, log & dome homes) to the mix. We’ll stop here and not even go down the road to pre-fab or prefabricated homes….
Now, in case you didn’t realize it, MHI does have a longstanding, albeit very small one, presence representing modular housing (i.e. 5+/-% of the national factory-built housing market share), labeled as the National Modular Housing Council (‘NMHC’) of MHI.
This NMHC presence, along with MHI’s 5+/-% HUD-Code manufactured housing national market share, combined, accounts for the 10 percent national market share MHI presently enjoys among factory-built housing fabricators.
Unanswered questions going a-begging: 1) ‘Where and how will panelizers & production site builders fit into the MHI membership milieu?’ And 2) ‘Why does MHI even want to take on this tenfold expansion of its’ national advocacy role, when there’s so much yet to be accomplished (e.g. Return of easy access to chattel capital for new home financing on-site in LLCommunities) in behalf of its’ present membership?’ Answers anyone?
Once these ‘membership-recruiting steps and representation questions’ have been accomplished and answered, MHI will be on its’ way to the presumed goal of REPRESENTING THE FACTORY-BUILT HOUSING INDUSTRY.
Know what’d be simpler, and certainly more helpful to present MHI members? If MHI would narrow its’ focus and concentrate on lobbying and promoting regulatory reform in behalf of the manufactured housing industry! Nothing more, nothing less!