ALLEN REPORT, trade secrets, & Future @ 2022
Blog # 220 Copyright 2012 18 November 2012
Perspective. ‘Land lease lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities,
& earlier, ‘mobile home parks’, are the real estate component of manufactured housing.’
Getting Ready for the 24th annual ALLEN REPORT, a.k.a.
‘Who’s Who Among LLLCommunity Portfolios in North America
Trade Secrets to be Revealed During Virginia’s First Symposium;
A special day for land lease lifestyle community owners/operators
The Future (out to year 2022) of the Manufactured Housing Industry & the Land Lease Lifestyle Community Asset Class!
Getting Ready for the 24th annual ALLEN REPORT, a.k.a.
‘Who’s Who Among LLLCommunity Portfolios in North America
If you are reading this blog posting and own, fee manage, or otherwise operate one or more land lease lifestyle communities, the annual ALLEN REPORT is likely required reading for one of two reasons: you own such properties and use the helpful information contained therein, to position your LLLCommunities to achieve greater profitability and value; or, you’re a salaried professional property manager, or freelance management consultant, and know this is the only published document containing the names of 20 percent of the known 500+/- portfolio owners/operators in business today throughout North America.
For the past 23 years, the ALLEN REPORT has been the sole researcher and purveyor of benchmark statistical data and trade knowledge pertaining to this unique, income – producing property type, in the U.S. and Canada! Not only is it a veritable ‘Who’s Who’ of investors and professional property management firms active in this realty asset class, but every year includes special features available nowhere else:
• List and comparison of 13 unique LLLCommunity characteristics in years 2000, 2010, & 2020! A list first compiled by the ULI’s Manufactured Housing Communities Council in 2009, and featured in the 23rd annual ALLEN REPORT.
• ‘Seven reasons’ LLLCommunities enjoy a near perennial ‘sellers market’ as a commercial real estate investment. This list is now codified in Landlease Communities, Manufactured Home Communities, Mobile Home Parks, Trailer Courts & Camps, and Affordable Housing, PMN Publishing, IN. 2011.
• Setting ‘affordable’ & ‘risky’ Price Points on new and resale manufactured homes to be sited in LLLCommunities, or on private sites conveyed fee simple, using Area Median Income (‘AMI’) &/or Annual Gross Income (‘AGI’) and the ‘Ah Ha! & Uh Oh! Worksheet’. Now available in the Book of Formulae, Rules of Thumb & Helpful Measures for manufactured housing, LLLCommunities, real estate investors, affordable housing aficionados, & realty mortgage originators. PMN Publishing, via MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877)MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.
• ‘Rental Homesite Counts Among All Land Lease Lifestyle Community Real Estate Investment Trusts (‘REIT’s) from 1994 through 2012’. Question: How many LLLCommunity REITs have there been since 1994? Hint. More than three and less than 10. Read the 24th annual ALLEN REPORT for this & much more!
It’s almost ‘too late’ for owners/operators of LLLCommunity property portfolios to submit rental homesite count data for inclusion in this year’s report, but it’s worth a try. Phone the above referenced MHIndustry HOTLINE and tell me, or leave a message.
And while you’re at it, tell me who YOU think is the single most influential person in the MHIndustry and or LLLCommunity asset class! As we announced a few months ago, a ‘List of the Top 25 Most Influential Individuals in the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity Asset Class’ debuts in this year’s 24th annual ALLEN REPORT. Use MHIndustry HOTLINE to make your recommendation. We have more than 20 on hand and nominees don’t have to be members of national MHTrade or Advocacy bodies!
OK, so how does one obtain a copy of the 24th annual ALLEN REPORT? The retail price for the report, when requested by Wall Street analysts, hedge fund managers, university and business libraries, and would be real estate investors, is $500.00 per copy – along with one or another of the dozen Signature Series Resource Documents (e.g. 14th annual Registry of Real Estate & Chattel Finance Lenders in the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity Asset Class’) we research, update and publish every month of the year.
However, for ‘insiders’, specifically MHIndustry businessmen and women, along with LLLCommunity owners/operators, the annual ALLEN REPORT is FREE to subscribers to the Allen Letter professional journal! For $134.95/year, you receive an Allen Letter each month of the year, usually chock full of lagniappes (Free enclosures, e.g. recent summary of the ‘biggest & best networking roundtable ever’, and much more!), and ALLEN REPORT, specifically, with the January issue. SO, if not already a newsletter subscriber, simply phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE and sign – up today.
Trade Secrets to be Revealed During Virginia’s First Symposium; A special day for land lease lifestyle community owners/operators
If you’re reading this blog posting, and own/operate one or more land lease lifestyle communities in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, or North Carolina – and elsewhere, you should consider spending the day in Richmond, VA., on Thursday, 6 December, a scant two weeks away. I’ll certainly be there for the day, and hope to see you there as well!
Why attend? Because Virginia Manufactured & Modular Housing Association (‘VAMMHA’) executive director Tyler Craddock, has cobbled together one terrific day of education, information sharing, interpersonal networking, and chattel finance sourcing for land lease lifestyle community owners and operators.
• Education? Two of the hottest topics, nationwide in this realty asset class today, are ‘How to Set Affordable & Risky Price Points on New & Resale Homes Today – particularly for those in LLLCommunities; and, How to Turnaround Troubled and or Abused Properties! (Latter topic is where ‘trade secrets’ come into play!)
• Information Sharing? Two things you’ve gotta experience! In the first instance, the State of the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity Asset Class presentation you’ll hear, is unparalleled at any other venue in the U.S. these days. Why? Because no one else covers what’s happening throughout the LLLCommunity asset class! And Tyler will brief participants about what’s happening legislatively in Virginia.
• Interpersonal Networking? When was the last time LLLCommunity owners/operators from the above – listed states have gotten together for a joint symposium like this? Maybe NEVER? Don’t miss this historic opportunity to attend a SECO – like event (Recalling the very successful 140 LLLCommunity participant symposium in Atlanta, GA. earlier this year) right in your own back yard! Seating is limited, so don’t risk not being able to attend.
• Personal property (chattel) financing? If you’re marketing homes For Sale and engaging in self – financing on – site (e.g. ‘captive finance’, lease option, etc.) and haven’t learned firsthand of 21st Mortgage Company’s cutting edge C.A.S.H. Program, this reason alone is worth participating in this one day event in Richmond on 6 December 2012.
For more information, and to register @ $35.00/person, contact Tyler Craddock via (804) 750-2500 or for meeting location address (Home Building Association of Virginia’s facility) and host hotel (Hampton Inn) information. Remember; seating is limited, so don’t risk missing this near – historic event for VA, WV, NC, & MD owners/operators of land lease lifestyle communities. Should be a Good Day for All!
The Future (out to year 2022) of the Manufactured Housing Industry & the Land Lease Lifestyle Community Asset Class!
Do you like being among the first businessmen and women to learn of inside ‘goings on’, relative to the manufactured housing industry and land lease lifestyle community asset class? Well, so do dozens of other MHExecutives around the U.S. and Canada. And they satisfy that need by reading an exclusive monthly newsletter known as the Allen CONFIDENTIAL! This savvy communiqué has been around for a dozen years, but is rarely shared in public. And it’s not inexpensive. An annual subscription is $950.00/year for 12 monthly issues; but only $750.00/year for subscribers to the Allen Letter professional journal. To subscribe, use the aforementioned MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.
Now here’s an interesting ‘bottom line’ figure for you. All three items mentioned in this blog posting, two newsletters and the annual ALLEN REPORT, ordered and paid for separately cost $1,584.95; but, bundled together, only $884.95; a savings of $700.00! So, are you missing out? Take that first step to being fully informed TODAY!
Back to that titillating title of Part III of this week’s blog posting at
Awhile back I was asked by Susan Brenton, executive director of the Manufactured Home Communities of Arizona association, to research and pen a forward – looking feature article for her group’s monthly publication. Well, I’m still putting the final factual details and prognostications together, fleshing out what I’ve tentatively titled:
‘Past as Predictor of the Future – or Just Another Crapshoot?
Here are a couple interesting questions answered in the first part (i.e. past and present time frames) of the feature: What were two cynical and foretelling industry – wide slogans commonly used and heard during years 2002 & 2003? And the well known MHIndustry businessman, who accurately foretold the near total financial collapse of site – built housing a half dozen years before it happened? Too bad the right people didn’t listen to him!
Now, switching to the future. What changes in the manufacturing segment of the MHIndustry will likely be necessary (In addition to the return of chattel financing) for it to return to the Glory Days of new home shipment volume (There’s a hint, right there!)? And how ‘bout the independent ‘street’ MHRetailers, and their ‘company store’ counterparts? What’s the future maybe hold for them? And let’s not forget the land lease lifestyle community segment. Sure is a mixed – bag of successes and failures today, but what’s it going to take to see increased physical and economic occupancy during the years ahead, where national Advocacy, performance Research, and ‘comprehensive Resource servicing’ are concerned – and more!? (This might just turn out to be some of the most important business reading, for you, during all of year 2012; Oops, 2013). The two finance segments of MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class? Their intertwined or mutually exclusive future? Guess you’ll have to read the details in the Arizona – commissioned feature.
Unless you’re presently a dues – paying member of the MMC of A, you’ll have to get in touch with Susan Brenton, to order and or obtain a copy of the January 2013 publication that’ll feature this ‘ten year look into the future of our industry and asset class’. Contact her via (480) 345-4202 or
George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry,
The Land Lease Lifestyle Community Asset Class &
Affordable Housing Purists & Enthusiasts Nationwide
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156