Blog # 584 @ 8 May 2020; Copyright 2020.

Perspective. ‘Land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, and earlier, ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

EducateMHC is the online national advocate, asset class historian, data researcher, education resource, and communication media, for all land lease communities throughout North America!

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Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U!’ Goal: To promote HUD-Code manufactured housing & land lease communities as U.S. # 1 source of affordable attainable housing! Attend MHM class!

INTRODUCTION: On a personal note. Friday, 6 May is the 55th day Carolyn and I’ve been self-quarantined together at home. Two days later, we’ll celebrate 57 years we’ve been together since meeting poolside at college, on 9/10/1963. And in a couple weeks we’ll turn 57 around, as I celebrate my 75th birthday! What’s all this have to do with the coronavirus hiatus? Nothing.

However, I think you’ll agree. After 75 years of history, HUD-Code manufactured housing and land lease communities, where eight public companies are concerned, finally have a tracking report in place for tallying new housing shipments and stock performance as well. Enjoy!



OK, be honest. Are YOU as ‘cornfused’ as I am about ‘how & what’ to call or describe the coronavirus illness that’s changed our lives these past (now) several months? Well, decided to start making a list of name variants as I came across them in the print and online press. Here’re seven documented to date.


Coronavirus disease 2019; abbreviated as COVID-19 (all in capital letters)

Novel coronavirus (per Chinese Communist Party or CCP)

Wuhan virus (named after Chinese city from whence it came)

CCP virus. Moniker espoused by THE EPOCH TIMES newspaper, directly blaming Chinese Communist Party (‘CCP’) for outbreak of the disease.

Chinese virus, per President Donald Trump. And why not? Think Legionnaire’s Disease.

Do you know of additional variants? If so, please let us know via

A clue as to how many more Chinese citizens fell victim to the coronavirus than what the CCP has claimed:

Headline: ’21 Million Fewer Cellphone Users in China May Suggest a High CCP Virus Death Toll’ – as cellphones are used (required) by everyone in China – to display colored (green is good) health codes necessary for personal travel.

And this: “Hubei Province (Wuhan city) has used 40 mobile cremators, each capable of burning five tons of medical waste and bodies a day, since February 16th.” P.19

Both texts from The Epoch Times weekly newspaper. In my opinion, a better and far more reliable investigative journalism ‘read’ than either The New York Times or The Washington Post.


MHShipment Volume (+) Stock Market Report

Previously referred to as EducateMHC’s

MHShipment ‘#s&$s’ Report, March 2020 (+) 5/4/20 ‘MH Mfr/REIT Market Data’

Here we implement three changes to what’s already become a seminal monthly data report serving the manufactured housing industry and land lease community realty asset class.

First, a simpler, more descriptive title for said document. ‘MHShipment Volume (+) Stock Market Report’ describes two production and investment performance platforms of vital and ongoing interest to the industry & property type.

Next. We’ve expanded coverage to include the heretofore ‘Big Three C’ (i.e. Clayton, Cavco, Skyline/Champion) firms, plus one (i.e. Legacy), HUD-Code housing manufacturers. And now four – not just three, land lease community portfolio owners/operators, three of which are real estate investment trusts (‘REITs’), i.e. ELS, SUI, UMH, and newcomer MHPC.

Finally. Effective with this March 2020 (+) 5/4/20 edition of the ‘MHShipment Volume (+) Stock Market Report’, distribution is restricted to PRIME subscribers to The Allen Confidential! business newsletter, available only from EducateMHC (

In paragraphs following here, I’ll share a few salient details from this dual monthly report; but for all the useful details, again, you’ll have to subscribe to the PRIME edition of TAC!

Meet MHPC or Manufactured Housing Properties, Inc. The firm, founded during 2016, debuted in the 31st annual ALLEN REPORT (i.e. ‘Who’s Who Among Land Lease Community Portfolio Firms Located Throughout North America!) and was ranked # 88, after ‘going public’ during late 2019. The firm has its’ home office in Pineville, NC. And is headed by President Michael Anise.

MHShipments. MHARR summarizes performance best. “…HUD Code manufacturers produced 8,338 homes in March 2020, a 9.8% increase over the 7,590 new HUD Code homes produced during March 2019. Cumulative 2020 production now stands at 25,311 homes as compared with 22,569 homes produced over the same period in 2019, an increase of 13.2%.” Quoted from MHARR News Item dated 4 May 2020.

As you likely expect, stock prices for all eight firms dropped between March and April as the coronavirus hiatus exacted its’ health and economic tolls. The good news is everyone’s stock price rebounded, somewhat, between April and early May! Will be interesting to see what occurs as we move from May to June, reopening our national economy.

If you’ve never compared market cap (values) of HUD-Code housing manufacturers and land lease community portfolios, it makes for an interesting study. They too are included in this report. For now, however, let’s just say – excepting out Berkshire-Hathaway and MHPC , both outliers, remaining market cap values range from a low of $263 million to a high of $12 billion.

Finally. For the long term, we (EducateMHC) have created a composite stock index to calculate and publish monthly. During March it was 577; dropped to 357 during April, but now, in May, is up to 480. What to expect in June? Your guess is as good as mine.

Are you presently a subscriber, either BASIC or PRIME, to The Allen Confidential! ? If not, you should be. Why? Simple. No one else in North America, especially where land lease communities are concerned, routinely researches and publishes more apropos information than EducateMHC! You can be satisfied with just the ‘news gathering’ aspect of the newsletter, or pay extra and receive a minimum of a dozen Resource Documents each year – beginning with the 31 year run ALLEN REPORT in January of each new year! Visit and upgrade to PRIME today! GFA

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