MEGAnomics & White Paper Announcement Rock TAC! Subscribers!
Blog # 457; Copyright @ 30 July 2017; at
Perspective. ‘Land lease communities’, previously manufactured home communities, & ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing..
This blog posting is the sole national advocate voice, official ombudsman, historian, research report, & online communication media for all North American LLCommunities
To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764
COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U!’ Goal of its’ print & online media =
to not only inform & opine, but to transform & improve MHBusiness performance!
INTRODUCTION: The titles of Part I & II prepare the reader for what follows:
MAGAnomics & White Paper Announcements Rock TAC! Readers
The realization that since year 2013, ‘production value’ of HUD-Code manufactured homes, by dint (‘force’) of ‘shipment volume’, has exceeded the national MAGAnomics goal of “…sustained three percent annual economic growth’, on the average, more than threefold, through year 2016!
What does that mean? Well, as was described in last week’s blog posting (#456); while Make American Great Again economics goal is three percent, HUD-Code manufactured housing ‘production value’, in turn, has been – believe it or not – zipping right along at 6.73%betweem 2013 & 2014; 9.6% between years 2014 & 2015; and (Gasp!), 15% between years 2015 & 2016! (When was the last time we ‘zipped’ at anything?) And there’s every reason to believe this 10.4% average per year will continue, even increase, between years 2016 & 2017!
This stellar performance apparently has not sunk-in with folk at MHI (Original advocate of Dr. Stephen C. Cooke’s 2013 base line research into ‘production value’) nor MHARR. Have you heard or seen either national manufactured housing advocate making our industry’s economy-leading case? My question is, ‘Why not?’
So, until someone proves otherwise – if that’s even possible, WE, as an industry and realty asset class should be crowing about this national economy leading performance, where the ‘production value’ of HUD-Code manufactured homes are concerned, for years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and now, 2017! What an incredible opportunity for us to make the fourfold case, as to how WE:
• Are the best quality & priced form of affordable housing in the U.S. today!
• Need soon & reasonable access to chattel capital for new home loan financing!
• Need significantly relaxed financial regulatory restrictions on our housing type!
• Need significantly relaxed installation regulation restrictions in communities!
Look! We’ve made our case! HUD-Code manufactured housing has been, and continues to, outperform MAGAnomics ‘sustained three percent annual growth rate’. Surely there’re public rewards for these stellar results, just as there are internal benefits for us as ‘skin in the game’ businessmen and women.
Join me in encouraging MHI & MHARR to bring these stats to the attention of federal legislators and regulators in our nation’s capitol NOW rather than later!
& then this edited postscript announcement at the end of the August issue of the Allen CONFIDENTIAL! or TAC! business newsletter:
A White Paper has been commissioned, to research, document and describe the nature, state, and degree of disunity of or among manufactured housings national advocates. This precipitated by 1) one or more state manufactured housing associations canceling membership in a national trade group; 2) continued disproportionate leadership by mega-firm members; 3) ‘affluence gerrymandering’ in meeting (location & cost) planning; 4) selective prohibition of proxy voting at national meeting elections; and, 5) (alleged) purloining of member intellectual property; and more. If you have personal or corporate knowledge of proofs in these and other areas, contact for submission/participation instructions.
A Week & A Day Remaining Before MHAlive! Think Tank
By now, you’re likely aware, a dozen to two dozen – MHIndustry & LLCommunity businessmen and women will convene, Monday morning, 7 August, from 9-11AM, at the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN – in your behalf!
MHAlive! is successor to the now defunct Urban Land Institute (‘ULI’), Manufactured Housing Communities Council (‘MHCC’), which met productively from 2004 thru 2015, but was shuttered for lack of participation due to high cost of ULI membership and premier meeting location costs.
MHAlive! met for the first time, in early August 2016, at the RV/MH Hall of Fame. To date, the group has been kept purposely small, to stimulate lively participation and discussion to identify industry/asset class matters and issues. But there is still room for you, if you phone soon, to let us know of your interest: (317) 346-7156. No fee; just prorated meeting costs billed afterwards.
An open-ended agenda is pretty much in place. Following distribution of event handouts (e.g. newly updated outline: ‘State of the Manufactured Housing Industry & Land Lease Community Real Estate Asset Class!), introductions of all participants, and a ‘Welcome’, the convened group will launch into the identification and discussion of industry and realty asset class matters and issues of concern to them. At the end of the two hour session, a decision will be made as to the ‘next step’, if any, relative to sharing this information with you, and perhaps the three national advocates for manufactured housing and land lease communities.
How can you not want to actively participate in the future direction, complexion, and ‘survival cum prosperity’ of our industry and realty asset class? furthermore, it is expected MHAlive! Think Tank*1 proceedings will affect the tone, scope and direction of the upcoming 26th Networking Roundtable, 6-8 September, at The Alexander Hotel, in Indianapolis, IN. Have you registered for this ‘oldest national venue for community owners/operators’ yet? Use brochure attached to the BEBA (Blast Email Blog Alert) accompanying this posting. As you already know, all attendees will receive a FREE copy of SWAN SONG, ‘George Allen’s History of the LLCommunity Asset Class, 1970-2017’
The next six weeks promise to be the most enlightening and exciting period during all of year 2017! Ask yourself: ‘Does anyone else offer this sort of public opportunity to express your views on industry and realty asset class matters? NO!
End Note.
1. Do MHAlive! gatherings (Previously National State of the Asset Class or NSAC caucuses) produce results? They surely do! On 2/28/2009, as MH launched into its’ nadir (‘lowest ever’) year of only 48,789 new homes shipped; 100+/- of us convened at the RV/MH Hall of Fame. Result? The Community Series Home, or CSH Model HUD-Code housing concept and design! This community-friendly innovation caused, in large part, an increase from 25% of homes shipped into (then) MHCommunities, to more than 50% by year end 2015!
George Allen, CPM, MHM
COBA7, a division of GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156 &