MUSINGS you’ll want to read!
Blog # 510; Copyright @ 23 November 2018;
Perspective. ‘Land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, and
‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.
This blog posting is the sole national advocate, voice, official ombudsman, historian, research reporter and online communication media for all North American land lease communities!
To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764; or email via
COABA7 Motto: ‘U Support US &WE Serve U!’ Goal of its’ print & online media = to not only inform & opine, but to transform and improve manufactured housing performance.
INTRODUCTION. A belated Thanksgiving Greeting to All of You! As I edited blog # 510 yesterday morning, I identified a few Blessings for which Carolyn and I are Thankful this year. Besides being appreciative of reasonably good health as great grandparents, we looked forward yesterday, to more than a dozen family members coming to our home to share Thanksgiving dinner with us. And then there’re our family’s business interests; all of which appear to be enjoying prosperity, right along with our improving national ‘Make America Great Again!’ economy. Friends and distant relatives? We have many, and look forward to communicating and visiting with all of them, as often as possible.
Yes, we are indeed a blessed people and nation. So much to be Thankful for this year! GFA
Now, enjoy the blog narrative that follows here.
The hectic Fall meeting season is finally over. Think Networking Roundtable, MHI’s annual meeting, SECO conference, NCC’s Fall Leadership Forum, & RentManager’s annual soiree. There are more, but you get the idea. The seasonal holiday season is now in full play. Hope you enjoyed a memorable Thanksgiving celebration. We sure did, with more than 15 family members present for dinner at our home on Thursday. Much to be thankful for these days, despite difficult times and circumstances!
This has also been a tumultuous couple weeks for two popular manufactured housing leaders. Joe Stegmayer, is no longer chairman of Cavco Industries, Inc., but now heads another key department in the firm. Joe is also chairman of MHI & the RV/MH Hall of Fame. And Jay Zandman, LLCommunity owner, an insurance agent with Manning & Novick Insurance – recently acquired by Brown & Brown, has retired early. Jay is one of the founders of the rapidly growing SECO conference.
Did you realize the manufactured housing industry has slipped from the ‘new home production pace’ needed to eclipse 100,000 new HUD-Code homes shipped during year 2018? Official new home shipment total for September 2018 was 7,519 units! That’s below September 2017pace of 7,580; and way below the 9,157 units shipped during August. What’s going on? I don’t know, and the two manufacturer-dominated national advocates MHI & MHARR aren’t talking. We should be doing better!
30th anniversary ALLEN REPORT questionnaires are ‘in’, and we’ll compile portfolio data during next couple weeks. That gives me two weeks to pen the narrative, and for pre-press to craft the ranking of 100+ land lease community portfolio owners/operators domiciled in North America. Report will be enclosed in January’s Allen Letter to Option II & III COBA7 affiliates. Want a copy of the 30th anniversary ALLEN REPORT? Phone Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. Best & Last One?
On 27 November, I’ll be in Washington, DC. Attending the National Housing conference Focus will be on ‘Solving the Affordable Housing Crisis in the U.S. Today’ This is my second visit, and I expect to be frustrated again, as one of the few Free Enterprise businessmen & women in the audience, amongst many public policy ‘housers’. But that’s OK. Why? Because they’re now seriously interested in making manufactured housing & land lease communities part of the affordable housing solution they seek!
Something for you to consider. On Tuesday, 28 January, COBA7 will host the one day Manufactured Housing Manager professional property management training & certification class in Louisville, KY. That’s the day before the Louisville MHShow begins. Only $295/MHM candidate. Join nearly 1,500 MHMs already owning and managing land lease communities throughout the U.S. & Canada, by being in this class! To do so, simply phone (317) 346-7156 to register. Best available PM training available today!
While the MHM class is taking place, I plan to meet with manufactured housing & land lease community veterans who realize they have personal and corporate legacies to share! And if they don’t pen their memoirs (i.e. short stories & adventures) now, it’s likely no one else will either. So, if spending a few hours learning the legacy writing basics with me interests you, let me know via email: Then I’ll send you a free copy of the helpful booklet, ‘Who Will Preserve Your Legacy? Answer: You!’
Are you reading the Allen Letter professional journal every month? It is the ONLY national print media focused on industry information and practical HOW TO needs of land lease community owners and managers. $134.95 Option I affiliation with COBA7 gets you the newsletter! $544.95 Option II affiliation gets you the newsletter and a dozen Signature Series Resource Documents, e.g. ALLEN REPORT. And $944.95 Option III gets you all this, plus the Allen CONFIDENTIAL! newsletter. Phone (317) 346-7156.
OK, enough musings for one blog posting. So much more to share with you though. Like the increasingly complicated MHIndustry alphabet of MHARR, MHI, COBA7 & NAMHCO. Becoming like FUBAR (‘Fouled up beyond all recognition!’), or SNAFU (‘Situation normal, all fouled-up!’), all on our way to creating a fasgrolia (Huh?). According to ‘Mrs. Byrne’s Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure & Preposterous Words’ (by Josefa H. Byrne), 1974; a ‘FASt-GROwing’ Language of Initials & Acronyms’. Get it? FASGROLIA. Ha!
George Allen, CPM,MHM
COBA7, a division of GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing
Box # 47024
Indianapolis, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156