Potpourri of MHIndustry & LLCommunity not-so-trivia news & views from California to Connecticut!
Potpourri of MHIndustry & LLCommunity no–so–trivia news & views from California to Connecticut!
Ready? Here goes…
California “…families who’ve lost their homes are moving into their motor homes until they can get their feet back on the ground and credit cleaned up. Saw several of these out in the Hemet area, where rent is $400.00/month.” In an email from a California – based LLCommunity owner/operator.
Connecticut. Know the Jensen family of Jensens, Inc., in Southington, CT? Founded by Danish immigrant Kristian Jensen, decades ago, the family business is now run by third generation Kristian Jensen III, ACM. MHI members know Kristian Jensen, Jr., ACM best. He’s a 2009 inductee into RV/MH Heritage Foundation’s prestigious Hall of Fame!
Pennsylvania. Trouble! ‘PA passed legislation during Fall 2008 to meet SAFE Act mandates, successfully getting manufactured housing written out, since already licensed under Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Act. This didn’t pass HUD’s review – wanting inclusion of homes on leased land.’ LLCommunity owners/operators & MHRetailers must now be double–licensed to do business. (edited) Other states dodged this bullet.
Southeast sage. “We’ve got the attention of HUD Code home manufacturers; in fact, all the segments of the industry who considered us (LLCommunities) ‘ugly stepchildren’ back then. Fancy ideas proposed in glass tower ‘suites’ (e.g. buy up entrepreneur – owned MHRetail centers and make them company stores, etc.) have been tested and failed. The MHIndustry has now gone thru the best of times and the worst of times. ‘Affordable housing’ is now more important than ever!” (edited) A loud ‘Amen!’ & ‘Let’s go!’
Indiana. Did you know? Reid Litwack’s ODOROX equipment appears to rid old and new manufactured homes of every possible odor! Introduced at 18th annual International Networking Roundtable and now used in many LLCommunities. (317) 660-7814.
Ohio. Remember Terry & Kathleen Lyden, the brother & sister dynamic duo of Aquameter days? Well, they’re back as Utility Revenue Services, working with portfolio owners/operators to effect utility rate reductions and refunds! (614)286-5202.
Ohio again. Bruce Nell is now working with George Allen, CPM & MHM, to take LLCommunity operating statistics research, publication and distribution to a higher level. Want to be part of this unique and timely team? Call Bruce @ (614) 540-2950.
North Carolina. What is it ELS, Inc., & other major ‘players’ do to trim expenses and maximize profitability? Sign – up with Connexion Technologies to get better business deals regarding CATV & related operating expenses. Grant Kitching (919) 735-7240.
Kentucky & maybe Oklahoma. Someone’s listening to Southeast Sage! See previous paragraph. Tentative plans have been laid to take heretofore state association–hosted National SYMPOSIUM Movement seminars to the regional show level. Watch for opportunity to attend ‘How to Market, Sell & Self–Finance New Homes into LLCommunities! Focus? LLCommunity readiness, Title I, & loan compliance!
Illinois. Why one prospective MHI member won’t be attending the institute’s Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. “I have a negative opinion about proposed bylaw change requiring prospective members to join at the highest applicable dues level. MHI should be open to all; allowing new members to join at any level, with the goal of selling them on the benefits of membership, then upgrading them later.” Makes perfect sense to me.
Illinois again. Stephen Wheeler of Housing Advisory Services eases access to public funding for homeowner manufactured housing rehabilitation on–site in LLCommunities. Sound too good to be true? Find out for yourself: (312) 404-0288.
National. Letters and questionnaires pursuant to preparation of 21st annual ALLEN REPORT (a.k.a. ‘Who’s Who Among LLCommunity Portfolio Owners/operators in North America!) have been mailed. Response deadline is 30 September 2009 via FAX @ (317)346-7158. Missed you? Phone (317)346-7156 for questionnaire. When & where to be published? Hopefully in CommunityInvestor magazine @ 1/1/2010, or Allen Letter.
Michigan. Don Westphal, at 18th annual Networking Roundtable, volunteered to serve as a ‘national clearinghouse’ for interior and exterior designs and product specifications describing the new ‘community series’ of manufactured homes! Want to input your preferred features and ‘specs’? Call Don via (248) 651-5518. Many already have done so!
Iowa. Joanne Stevens, CCIM & ACM, facilitated the first ever Small Community Owners Forum (i.e. LLCommunities with less than 100 rental homesites) at the 18th Networking Roundtable. 50 owners participated. Interested? Joanne: (319) 378-6786.
Georgia. A new business opportunity for LLCommunity owners/operators! To reduce property insurance premiums and participate in possible profitability of a new ‘captive insurance’ firm, contact Jay Zandman for details ASAP: (800) 211-0468 x 117.
National again. Informal FOCUS Groups, comprised of LLCommunity owners/operators have met periodically for many years. A new FOCUS Group of non–competing owners/operators is being formed. Interested? Call (317) 346-7156 for more information.
Know what? These 16 not–so–trivia news and views vignettes scratch the surface of what’s ‘going on’ & ‘not going on – but should be’ throughout the MHIndustry & LLCommunity real estate asset class today! This Blog, now in its’ 53rd edition, is the sole resource attempting to take business communication and discussion where it’s never been before: public, online and offline! If you seriously want to participate in this unity movement, read this Blog every week and take the time to respond. Can’t promise I’ll always get back to you, but I certainly will try.
Furthermore, consider this! If Susan McCarty (daughter) and I do not feel we have enough financial support, via display advertising sales commitments and paid subscriptions, by mid–November, there will be no CommunityInvestor magazine! This publishing effort is my largest attempt, to date, to bring unity to the MHIndustry & LLCommunity asset class, so we can move forward together to restore our economical, high quality, energy efficient, eminently transportable, non–subsidized form of factory–built housing, and related community lifestyle, as our nation’s homegrown, preeminent form of truly ‘affordable housing’! Will you help? Then be proactive and respond accordingly to ‘this Blog’ and or phone (317) 346-7156 with your commitment to advertise in the magazine and or subscribe to the published product. OTHERWISE, as of January 1, 2010, you’ll have nothing from which to obtain MHIndustry & LLCommunity news and views, than the Journal and the Allen Letter, and a few online publications vying for your attention.
George Allen, Realtor®, CPM®, MHM®
Box # 47024
Indianapolis, IN. 46247