San Antonio Contretemps cum Recommitment

Blog # 215 Copyright 2012 14 October 2012

Perspective. ‘Land Lease lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities, & earlier, ‘mobile home parks’, are the real estate component of manufactured housing.’


Some News & Views Out of San Antonio, TX.


Want to Contribute? Not $. Something more valuable; your input!


Power Symposium, in Indianapolis, IN. @ 18 October 2012


Get Certified as an MHM® & Buy New MHomes the Same Week!



Some News & Views Outa San Antonio, TX.

No ‘hoped for’ rebranding of HUD – Code manufactured housing. No revisiting of the Community Attributes System or CAS, requested a year ago! No written goals or priorities published for the year ahead, where land lease lifestyle communities are concerned. And frankly, no more participants overall, than at like meetings, during the past three; no, make that four, years running.

But there was motivation to continue rebranding ‘land lease lifestyle communities’! And there were off – agenda conversations about revisiting the ABClassification System for rating LLLCommunities, per A, B, C, & D grades, instead of 5, 4, 3, 2, & 1 STAR quality – a suggestion from the 21st annual Networking Roundtable in San Diego, CA., proffered by Dick Bessire of Bessire & Casenhiser. During Monday’s meeting, there was obvious recognition, on my part, it’s time for Community-Investor, a.k.a. GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing, to renew its’ 30+ year commitment to (continue to) be the realty asset class’ primary, ongoing source for Research & ‘comprehensive Resource servicing’ nationwide!

And finally; a sincere personal Thank You to individuals who’ve privately expressed support and embarrassment to Carolyn and me, during and since our visit to San Antonio, TX. It’s encouraging to see friendship and respect trump false claims disguised as PC, and not be given opportunity to rebut! GFA


Want to Contribute? Not $. Something more valuable; your input!

A published business author, familiar with factory – built housing in general, and manufactured and modular housing types in particular, is conducting research, identifying factors that’ve precipitated our business model’s decade long new home shipment nadir; and what it’s likely going to take, during years ahead, for our industry to return to prosperity – measured by market share in the national housing market. He’d like confirming, contrary, and creative input on these matters, from thoughtful, industry – experienced individuals, willing to share their views and ideas.

Before I tell you how to get your input into his hands for review and consideration, here’re three perspective paragraphs I asked him to prepare; in effect, setting the stage for your views and ideas….

Housing in the U.S. today, is too expensive, and likely to become more so, because it depends upon well – developed, intentioned, and entrenched, but moribund processes and traditions. Many attempts have been effected to rectify this pattern, but only one has proven workable; that being, ‘manufactured housing’ . Unfortunately, this type housing has been denigrated over time, because it’s foreign to those above – referenced American home – building traditions; and also saddled with a bad image, due in part, to its’ ‘trailer’ heritage and stigma. This dual image issue continues, as communities and municipalities, maybe the entire nation, say they seek – but do not really like – ‘low cost housing’!

Furthermore, our nation has become increasingly service – oriented, because we’ve lost much of our manufacturing edge, having priced and out – sourced ourselves out of the market. That’s working OK, only because we can import most material stuff at competitive prices. But we cannot import housing, and until recently, its’ cost has increased faster than CPI.

This book will make that logical case and more. The hardest audience to convince, however, will be skeptics having a trailer mindset, i.e. ‘doing everything on the cheap’. Which in turn, raises the question: Where and how does ‘cheap’ end and ‘affordability’ begin? The real challenge, for everyone in the manufactured housing industry, is to be committed, in short and long runs, to work together at 1) improving the industry’s aforesaid image, while 2) reducing post – manufacturing service costs that eat up savings garnered by the manufacturing process. Both are difficult to accomplish. The first is decades long – entrenched. And few factory systems have successfully addressed on – site (customer service) challenges, many don’t try. One thing is for certain though; putting today’s reputation and profits ahead of customers’ perceptions and need for service, are two lanes on the highway to failure. (edited. GFA)

OK; are you ready to pen confirming and contrary responses, astute observations, and the like, to this author? If so, send a hard copy to GFA c/o Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247, or fax it to me via (317) 346-7158. Anyone who does so, will receive advance notice of when this new manufactured housing – related book will be available for distribution. Hope to hear from YOU soon!


Power Symposium, in Indianapolis, IN. @ 18 October 2012

What are the on – site, home sales transaction, property owner – financing options ‘in play’ these days in land lease lifestyle communities throughout the Midwest and beyond”?

What are the new and resale home finance state and federal regulatory compliance issues that MUST be known, in place, and routinely updated these days, in and out of land lease lifestyle communities?

Why it’s best to use trained and licensed installers when siting, or moving new and resale homes around and throughout your land lease lifestyle community?

All you’ve wanted to know, but didn’t know who to ask, about ‘hands – on, best property management practices’ pertaining to land lease lifestyle communities, where ‘100% rent collection is concerned; ensuring you – and your on – site home sales staff, don’t ‘sell more house than a customer can or realistically should buy’; and, Lessons Learned, such as ‘How good Resident Relations leads to more Resident Referrals means more Resident Retention!’ – and much more!

Get the idea? Just like the Super Symposiums before this one, the Indiana Manufactured Housing Association is ‘pulling out all the stops’, to host a day long training event for its’ members and guests from throughout the Midwest. Will YOU be there? I certainly plan to be!

To register, phone (317) 246-7258, X # 11, and tell Mark Bowersox that ‘Hey, George sent me!’ Seriously. Hotel? Special block of $93.00/night rooms set aside, at the Wyndham Hotel, for those who phone (317) 248-2481, and use code: Indiana Manufactured Housing Association.’

From an historical perspective, former IMHA/RVIC employee Jim Keller birthed the idea of Super Symposiums several years ago, right here in Indiana. Since that time, successful state MHAssociation – hosted Super Symposiums have occurred in Ohio, New York, several times in Atlanta, GA., and elsewhere, besides the annual ones facilitated in Indianapolis, IN. So, as we meet, once again, for – in this case – a Power Symposium, ‘give a nod’ to Jim, for getting us started down a path that’s helped many to not only Survive these difficult times, but actually begin to Prosper as well. Thanks Jim!


Get Certified as an MHM® & Buy New MHomes the Same Week!

Yes, I know 27 February, and 28 – 31 February are a ways out there, date wise; but there’re good reasons for teeing – you – up so far in advance:

First off; this will be the first Manufactured Housing Manager® professional property management training and certification class of the New Year, 2013! We expect this one day class, to be sold – out, with 25 or so MHM® candidates. So, don’t be left out, (800) 234 – 6426 to register, and ask for a brochure containing additional course information. We’ll be meeting in the Deer Room at the Hard Rock Casino & Hotel in Catoosa, OK.

FYI. To date, nearly 1,000 land lease lifestyle community owners and managers have been trained and certified as Manufactured Housing Managers® or MHMs®. Isn’t it time YOU joined their ranks? Furthermore, George Allen, CPM®Emeritus & MHM®Master has taught all the one day MHM® classes to date; and this is the only professional property management class in the U.S. today, taught by a LLLCommunity owner. And for the $250.00 cost ($350 for non – members of OMHA), MHM® candidates receive a copy of the text Landlease Community Management, a monograph of contemporary MHIndustry ‘readings’, gold MHM® lapel pin, and MHM® certificate. Finally; there are NO TESTS.

Also plan to ‘stay over’ and participate in the Great Southwest Home Show; where Trade Days will occur 28 February thru 1 March; and 2 & 3 March are reserved at Public Days. Show will be at the QuikTrip Center at Expo Square in Tulsa, OK. See YOU there? I hope so!


George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry,
The Land Lease Lifestyle Community Asset Class &
Affordable Housing Purists & Aficionados Nationwide
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247
MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764

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