Six Homes & Six Seminar; Ombudsman (Press) at work…. Blog # 296 Copyright 2014 4 May 2014
Perspective. ‘Land-lease-lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities cum ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’
Roles of this blog. ‘It’s the national advocacy voice, ombudsman press*, statistical research reporter, & communications resource for LLLCommunities in North America!’
How to input this blog & affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, via Official MHindustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.
* Ombudsman press. ‘Non-government alliance handling public inquiries & complaints
Introduction to this week’s blog posting…Everything following is pretty straightforward. If you sell new HUD-Code homes on-site in LLLCommunities, be in East Peoria, Illinois, later this week! Pleased many of you appreciate someone finally having the brass to step forward, and willingly serve as Official Ombudsman (Press) of the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class – something I’ve been doing in a de facto manner for decades!anyway, inquiries are arriving already; two last week! And hey, if a member of MHI, sign onto their new online ‘Contact Your Congressman’ program ASAP. Pretty slick stuff. 4,000 calls to Congress, via this program, during the past week or so. And, watch for a review of the new text DURELING CURVES – about manufactured housing in June issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. PLUS, every month that goes by & YOU haven’t affiliated with COBA7, means you’ve missed one more of 12 Signature Series Resource Documents! COBA7 progress? 200+ affiliates to date, an more sign up weekly. How ‘bout YOU?
Unique Blend of Housing Exhibits & Seminars
Positive Responses to Blog Introducing Official
Ombudsman (Press), & Priorities of MHARR
Several New & Updated Resources Debut
Unique Blend of Housing Exhibits & Seminars
Where will you be on 8 & 9 May 2014, Thursday & Friday of this week? Well, if you’ve got a hankering to walk through and examine a half dozen new HUD-Code manufactured homes in general, Community Series Homes in particular, then make your way to the Par-a-Dice Hotel & Casino in E. Peoria by Thursday morning.
If you’ve a passion for effectively marketing and selling new HUD-Code homes on-site in land-lease-lifestyle communities (a.k.a. manufactured home communities), and self-financing (a.k.a. ‘captive finance’) them in compliance with state and federal finance regulations, you’ll be there as well. WHY? Because John Underwood, of Selling Edge – and veteran home sales trainer, will be holding forth on the first topic; and Ken Rishel of Rishel Consulting, will be lecturing on the latter timely topic.
That’s not all! Benefit from additional specialty programs on ‘How to effectively decorate (interior & exterior) and accessorize display homes!’ Bet you haven’t received instruction on that topic before. And we all know how important it is to effectively screen prospective homebuyers and rental homesite lessees – plus, keep close administrative control of PITI and monthly rent payments, so AmRent & Rent Manager will be team-teaching their valuable systems at this event. And there’s even more; but you get the idea.
Here’s an exciting aside for you, for all of us! You aware the last time a perfect bound (i.e. hardcover) text was published on selling new HUD-Code manufactured homes, was in 1977 – that’s 37 tears ago!? That’s when Gary Pomeroy authored How to Successfully Sell New& Resale Manufactured Homes. Well guess what? A major publisher has hired GFA Management, Inc., to identify a half dozen co-authors to author a new perfect bound book, tentatively titled How to Successfully Sell New Manufactured Homes On-site! The last time a major publisher has expressed such interest in this industry/asset class, was in 1994 and 1996, when New York publisher J. Wiley & Sons published what have since become industry classics: Development, Marketing & Operation of Manufactured Home Communities, and How to Find, Buy, Manage & Sell Manufactured Home Communities. In the first instance there were three co-authors; in the latter, eight primary contributors. This Illinois Manufactured Housing Association (‘IMHA’) meeting in E. Peoria later this week, will be the first instance where potential authors will be identified and interviewed to possibly participate in this project.
So, if you’d like to attend this very special trade event, replete with new homes o display, an array of superb seminars, even an opportunity to maybe be published in the not too distant future – and you can get on down to East Peoria by Thursday morning, phone Frank Bowman, executive director of IMHA via (217) 528-3423 or visit for information; better yet, to register! As has been said before, “I’ll see you in Peoria!”
One last enticement to attend. I’ve been asked to share the ‘Official State of the Manufactured Housing Industry & Land-lease-lifestyle Community Realty Asset Class’ with this august group. Everyone present, at Friday morning’s breakfast, will be given a copy of this ‘State of the Industry & Asset Class’ presentation outline, distributed only to COBA7 affiliates in the February 2014 issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. The beauty of this outline is its’ utility; having been specially designed for businessmen and women when briefing stakeholders, employees, local zoning boards, state regulators and politicians, even civic groups, about the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class! How can you not want a copy for yourself – to use later this year?
Hope to see you in East Peoria, Illinois, this week! George Allen, CPM, MHM
Positive Responses to Blog Introducing Official Ombudsman (Press), & Priorities of MHARR
All this from the same blog flogger (reader): “Great Idea offering ombudsman (press) presence and service!” & “MHARR has never been one of my favorites, due to overemphasis on the HUD regs; however, that Wish List is pretty impressive, so they get my support! Where’re the other guys?” & “Now, can we finally have a national advocacy presence and effort marketing our (HUD-Code) homes?” Whew! I know two present day national advocacy bodies who think they’re already ‘doing that already’; but if an industry ‘insider’ can’t see what’s being done, in his/her behalf, then certainly ‘our public’ likely isn’t either. Guess that’s all the more reason we need to support the work of the American Housing Advocates or AHA.
Not everyone views MHARR the way the previous quoted individual does. This from a Midwest independent (street) MHRetailer with sterling ‘bona fides’: “I think Danny (Ghorbani) does more for the manufactured housing industry than anyone. I’m glad you have the platform from which to give him some credit!” DG
Several New & Updated Resources Debut
First, the Manufactured Housing Institute’s ‘Contact Your Congressman’ program. Take a few minutes to complete a personal contact information form and then, whenever timely to get a prepared message off to one’s congressman, just answer a few prompts – and there it goes! Simple as that. I’m on board; are you?
Initiated by Rick Robinson, esquire, newest staff member at MHI, this is the slickest piece of political influence stimulation I’ve seen to date. So, if an MHI member, be sure YOU answer the call to complete your personal contact information on this system – to enable software to mate your correspondence with appropriate congressmen and congresswomen.
DUELING CURVES, ‘The Battle for Housing’, by Bob Vahsholtz’ debuted this week. Bob was present at the 22nd annual Networking Roundtable in San Diego two years ago, beginning research for this tome. Well, 1 ½ years later we have the result of his labor, 217 pages of combined factory-built housing lore, all you ever wanted to know about ‘the learning curve’ but didn’t know who to ask, a call for national leadership, and ID of new market and product opportunities. A more comprehensive review will follow, likely in the June or July issue of the Allen Letter professional journal.
In the meantime, if you’d like to order a copy of this pretty hefty volume, reach Bob via email: Book is priced at a very reasonable $35.00, with an added $7.00 charge for handling and shipping. What’s with the ‘king midgets’ email address? It’s part of the title and subject (a past, smaller scale automobile) of one of Bob’s previous nine books, all written and self-published during his retirement career.
Next is the 5th annual ‘Official Manufactured Housing Resource for Print & On-line Media, plus Social Networking Web Sites’ Signature Series Resource Document, or SSRD. This will be distributed to all COBA7 affiliates, as an enclosure to the May issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. If you’ve not viewed or used this document before, know it’s the only such resource published in the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class, listing four print media resources, a half dozen on-line media resources, and a host of websites. And the Social Net Media directory, listing 20+/- type sites is the most comprehensive compendium published anywhere! This year’s update was prepared by the American Housing Advocates, under the guidance of Bruce Savage & Suzanne Felber. Want a copy? Affiliate with COBA7 via the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.
And in June’s issue of the Allen Letter professional journal, COBA7 affiliates will find their 5th edition (2014) of the Official Manufactured Housing & LLLCommunity LEXICON & GLOSSARY. This ‘dictionary’ continues to grow in size year after year. And this time around, the Manufactured Housing Institute & Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform, as well as the American Housing Advocates, have been asked to help update this valuable SSRD. Will they? Guess you’ll see when you read the ‘credits’ in the introduction to this 150 word collection of MHIndustry & LLLCommunity trade terms. Would YOU like to contribute to the edit of this year’s update? Let me know via (317) 346-7156. And again, if you’d like a copy of this SSRD, affiliate with COBA7 via the MHIndustry HOTLINE number provided in the previous paragraph.
George Allen, CPM® & MHM®
Box # 47024, Indpls, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156 Blog # 296 Copyright 2014 4 May 2014
Perspective. ‘Land-lease-lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities cum ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’
Roles of this blog. ‘It’s the national advocacy voice, ombudsman press*, statistical research reporter, & communications resource for LLLCommunities in North America!’
How to input this blog & affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, via Official MHindustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.
* Ombudsman press. ‘Non-government alliance handling public inquiries & complaints
Introduction to this week’s blog posting…Everything following is pretty straightforward. If you sell new HUD-Code homes on-site in LLLCommunities, be in East Peoria, Illinois, later this week! Pleased many of you appreciate someone finally having the brass to step forward, and willingly serve as Official Ombudsman (Press) of the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class – something I’ve been doing in a de facto manner for decades!anyway, inquiries are arriving already; two last week! And hey, if a member of MHI, sign onto their new online ‘Contact Your Congressman’ program ASAP. Pretty slick stuff. 4,000 calls to Congress, via this program, during the past week or so. And, watch for a review of the new text DURELING CURVES – about manufactured housing in June issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. PLUS, every month that goes by & YOU haven’t affiliated with COBA7, means you’ve missed one more of 12 Signature Series Resource Documents! COBA7 progress? 200+ affiliates to date, an more sign up weekly. How ‘bout YOU?
Unique Blend of Housing Exhibits & Seminars
Positive Responses to Blog Introducing Official
Ombudsman (Press), & Priorities of MHARR
Several New & Updated Resources Debut
Unique Blend of Housing Exhibits & Seminars
Where will you be on 8 & 9 May 2014, Thursday & Friday of this week? Well, if you’ve got a hankering to walk through and examine a half dozen new HUD-Code manufactured homes in general, Community Series Homes in particular, then make your way to the Par-a-Dice Hotel & Casino in E. Peoria by Thursday morning.
If you’ve a passion for effectively marketing and selling new HUD-Code homes on-site in land-lease-lifestyle communities (a.k.a. manufactured home communities), and self-financing (a.k.a. ‘captive finance’) them in compliance with state and federal finance regulations, you’ll be there as well. WHY? Because John Underwood, of Selling Edge – and veteran home sales trainer, will be holding forth on the first topic; and Ken Rishel of Rishel Consulting, will be lecturing on the latter timely topic.
That’s not all! Benefit from additional specialty programs on ‘How to effectively decorate (interior & exterior) and accessorize display homes!’ Bet you haven’t received instruction on that topic before. And we all know how important it is to effectively screen prospective homebuyers and rental homesite lessees – plus, keep close administrative control of PITI and monthly rent payments, so AmRent & Rent Manager will be team-teaching their valuable systems at this event. And there’s even more; but you get the idea.
Here’s an exciting aside for you, for all of us! You aware the last time a perfect bound (i.e. hardcover) text was published on selling new HUD-Code manufactured homes, was in 1977 – that’s 37 tears ago!? That’s when Gary Pomeroy authored How to Successfully Sell New& Resale Manufactured Homes. Well guess what? A major publisher has hired GFA Management, Inc., to identify a half dozen co-authors to author a new perfect bound book, tentatively titled How to Successfully Sell New Manufactured Homes On-site! The last time a major publisher has expressed such interest in this industry/asset class, was in 1994 and 1996, when New York publisher J. Wiley & Sons published what have since become industry classics: Development, Marketing & Operation of Manufactured Home Communities, and How to Find, Buy, Manage & Sell Manufactured Home Communities. In the first instance there were three co-authors; in the latter, eight primary contributors. This Illinois Manufactured Housing Association (‘IMHA’) meeting in E. Peoria later this week, will be the first instance where potential authors will be identified and interviewed to possibly participate in this project.
So, if you’d like to attend this very special trade event, replete with new homes o display, an array of superb seminars, even an opportunity to maybe be published in the not too distant future – and you can get on down to East Peoria by Thursday morning, phone Frank Bowman, executive director of IMHA via (217) 528-3423 or visit for information; better yet, to register! As has been said before, “I’ll see you in Peoria!”
One last enticement to attend. I’ve been asked to share the ‘Official State of the Manufactured Housing Industry & Land-lease-lifestyle Community Realty Asset Class’ with this august group. Everyone present, at Friday morning’s breakfast, will be given a copy of this ‘State of the Industry & Asset Class’ presentation outline, distributed only to COBA7 affiliates in the February 2014 issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. The beauty of this outline is its’ utility; having been specially designed for businessmen and women when briefing stakeholders, employees, local zoning boards, state regulators and politicians, even civic groups, about the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class! How can you not want a copy for yourself – to use later this year?
Hope to see you in East Peoria, Illinois, this week! George Allen, CPM, MHM
Positive Responses to Blog Introducing Official Ombudsman (Press), & Priorities of MHARR
All this from the same blog flogger (reader): “Great Idea offering ombudsman (press) presence and service!” & “MHARR has never been one of my favorites, due to overemphasis on the HUD regs; however, that Wish List is pretty impressive, so they get my support! Where’re the other guys?” & “Now, can we finally have a national advocacy presence and effort marketing our (HUD-Code) homes?” Whew! I know two present day national advocacy bodies who think they’re already ‘doing that already’; but if an industry ‘insider’ can’t see what’s being done, in his/her behalf, then certainly ‘our public’ likely isn’t either. Guess that’s all the more reason we need to support the work of the American Housing Advocates or AHA.
Not everyone views MHARR the way the previous quoted individual does. This from a Midwest independent (street) MHRetailer with sterling ‘bona fides’: “I think Danny (Ghorbani) does more for the manufactured housing industry than anyone. I’m glad you have the platform from which to give him some credit!” DG
Several New & Updated Resources Debut
First, the Manufactured Housing Institute’s ‘Contact Your Congressman’ program. Take a few minutes to complete a personal contact information form and then, whenever timely to get a prepared message off to one’s congressman, just answer a few prompts – and there it goes! Simple as that. I’m on board; are you?
Initiated by Rick Robinson, esquire, newest staff member at MHI, this is the slickest piece of political influence stimulation I’ve seen to date. So, if an MHI member, be sure YOU answer the call to complete your personal contact information on this system – to enable software to mate your correspondence with appropriate congressmen and congresswomen.
DUELING CURVES, ‘The Battle for Housing’, by Bob Vahsholtz’ debuted this week. Bob was present at the 22nd annual Networking Roundtable in San Diego two years ago, beginning research for this tome. Well, 1 ½ years later we have the result of his labor, 217 pages of combined factory-built housing lore, all you ever wanted to know about ‘the learning curve’ but didn’t know who to ask, a call for national leadership, and ID of new market and product opportunities. A more comprehensive review will follow, likely in the June or July issue of the Allen Letter professional journal.
In the meantime, if you’d like to order a copy of this pretty hefty volume, reach Bob via email: Book is priced at a very reasonable $35.00, with an added $7.00 charge for handling and shipping. What’s with the ‘king midgets’ email address? It’s part of the title and subject (a past, smaller scale automobile) of one of Bob’s previous nine books, all written and self-published during his retirement career.
Next is the 5th annual ‘Official Manufactured Housing Resource for Print & On-line Media, plus Social Networking Web Sites’ Signature Series Resource Document, or SSRD. This will be distributed to all COBA7 affiliates, as an enclosure to the May issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. If you’ve not viewed or used this document before, know it’s the only such resource published in the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class, listing four print media resources, a half dozen on-line media resources, and a host of websites. And the Social Net Media directory, listing 20+/- type sites is the most comprehensive compendium published anywhere! This year’s update was prepared by the American Housing Advocates, under the guidance of Bruce Savage & Suzanne Felber. Want a copy? Affiliate with COBA7 via the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.
And in June’s issue of the Allen Letter professional journal, COBA7 affiliates will find their 5th edition (2014) of the Official Manufactured Housing & LLLCommunity LEXICON & GLOSSARY. This ‘dictionary’ continues to grow in size year after year. And this time around, the Manufactured Housing Institute & Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform, as well as the American Housing Advocates, have been asked to help update this valuable SSRD. Will they? Guess you’ll see when you read the ‘credits’ in the introduction to this 150 word collection of MHIndustry & LLLCommunity trade terms. Would YOU like to contribute to the edit of this year’s update? Let me know via (317) 346-7156. And again, if you’d like a copy of this SSRD, affiliate with COBA7 via the MHIndustry HOTLINE number provided in the previous paragraph.
George Allen, CPM® & MHM®
Box # 47024, Indpls, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156