The Fourth Tough Question & More…

Blog # 254 Copyright 2013 15 July 2013

Perspective. ‘Land lease lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities, & earlier, ‘mobile home parks’, are the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

Purpose of this blog. ‘To be a national Advocacy voice, statistical Research reporter, & communications Resource for LLLCommunities, of all sizes, throughout North America’


Here’s the ‘Fourth Tough (two part) Question’ Promised, but Accidentally Omitted From Sunday’s Blog Post at the website….

“Does the HUD – Code manufactured housing industry Really Want to See the Return of ‘easy access to chattel capital’, stimulating new home shipment volume, and filling vacant rental homesites in land lease lifestyle communities, of all sizes, throughout the U.S?

OR, has the nearly five year shipment nadir (‘Lowest point’ in MHIndustry history!) become an accepted and manageable status quo benchmark in the minds and operations of one or more fully (regulatory) compliant lenders who’ve cornered the severely constricted manufactured housing loan origination market?”

Now, don’t just sit there! Give this two part question some deep and serious thought; then let us know your ‘take’ on the matter. Respond via the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764, email:, or phone (317) 346-7156.

And know what? There was even more substance to the first three questions in the edited – but – not – posted version of Sunday’s blog, than in the DRAFT copy as accidentally published. Here are those questions, along with some probable answers:

• “Why does the MHIndustry eschew (‘shun’) national brand promotion in lieu of stealth deal – making at the local housing market level? Possible answers: Maybe corporate self – protection, a woeful lack of macro vision regarding the industry at large, and or simple resistance to change.”

• Why do HUD – Code housing manufacturers continue to perplex independent (street) MHRetailers and land lease lifestyle community home – buying customers, by routinely ‘mixing & remixing’ building product quality, standarad features, and unit pricing? Possible answers: Maybe to purposely breed confusion, and lack of understanding, appreciation, even respect for other business models and segments of the MHIndustry.”

• When will someone finally and definitively ‘make the case’ for HUD – Code manufactured housing, and its’ sister business model, the LLLCommunity, as being this nation’s Perennial Affordable Housing type and Lifestyle? Possible answers: Maybe the soon – to – be – released, ‘Contemporary Archetype of Truly Affordable Housing in the United States!’ will be a first step in that direction; and, when HUD finally (Maybe too late) recognizes and promotes manufactured housing to that end!

Again; we welcome you’re musings, opinions, critiques, and suggestions relative to all four tough questions. And while you’re at it, maybe pose these same questions to the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity ‘salaried & elected’ leaders you know….


Here’s what else was in the edited version of Blog # 253, but not in the DRAFT copy you received and read on Sunday….

Add this to the list of dozen or so meetings planned for this Fall:

15 – 19 October. “Institute of Real Estate Management (‘IREM’) will have its’ annual Leadership Conference in Scottsdale, AZ. For information, visit or phone (312) 329-6000.***Since there’re nearly 150 Certified Property Manager® or CPM® members of IREM who express PM affinity for the LLLCommunity asset class, I plan to try to be present.”

Who are the most well known CPM®s throughout the LLLCommunity asset class? Mike Sullivan, Brian Fannon, John Rogosich, Alan Alt, Bill Cramer, Greg Johnloz, Casey Kelly, Russ Petralia, Jon Zorn, Lori Burger, Mike Campbell, Leonard frenkil, Lu Hocker, Bev Schmidt, & George Allen.


Next Sunday?

Depends on whether I describe the imminent PERFECT STORM rapidly approaching the HUD – Code manufactured housing industry & land lease lifestyle community real estate asset class – or not.

For these housing manufacturing/distribution & real estate development/investment halves of the HUD – Code manufactured housing industry, this pending PERFECT STORM carries potential for two ‘failure to perform’ scenarios, and a stellar opportunity for two ‘fresh starts’!

But since wholesale ‘change’ is rarely – to – never easy, especially on simultaneous fronts, what will be the probable consequences, pro & con, of such a PERFECT STORM?

‘Ah’, as they say, ‘there is the rub!’ – and why said PERFECT STORM has not been heretofore described and warned of, so significant are the consequences of failure and opportunities for simultaneious fresh starts!


George Allen, CPM®Emeritus & MHM ®Master
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry,
The Land Lease Lifestyle Community Asset Class &
Affordable Housing Purists & Enthusiasts Nationwide
Box # 47024, Indpls, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156

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